press office of Shakarim University28 march 2024театр, жастар, белсенді студенттер, өнерпаздар


The student Youth Theater "Qaraköz" debuted the melodrama "Munly Mýza" on March 27, in celebration of International Theater Day. This production, inspired by the iconic song "Kelshi, Ayim," marks a milestone as the first of its kind. The author of the play is Dana Myrzakanova, a first-year student of the educational program of two foreign languages, the director of the production is the artistic director of the student theater Yergali Bekten.

The play aims to rekindle interest in Kazakh spirituality, revive historical melodies, and foster a deeper appreciation for the dramatic arts.The premiere drew an audience comprising members of the creative community, university administrators, staff, graduates, students.

«Muńly Mýza»embodies the grief of the human heart, joy and delight, transparent love and longing through realistic scenes on the theatrical stage.The performance, which sought the soul of a man in the flesh of society, caused stormy applause.The popularity of the song "Kelshi, Ayim," featured in the film "Gauchartas" based on Dulat Isabekov's work, stems from its ability to evoke profound sadness and nostalgia, themes further amplified in the melodrama.

This staging marks a significant first for Shakarim University.The authors of the poems in the melodrama are also theatrical youth. The sophisticated audience clearly liked the performance. A new direction, a work of art of a new genre, has penetrated through the theater to the general public. Best wishes to the budding artists as they prepare for the upcoming republican festival!