Cooperation with organizations with elements of dual training
№ |
EP name |
Name of enterprises (organizations) where elements of dual training are carried out |
Faculty of veterinary and agromanagement |
1 |
6В08201 Technology of animal nutrition and feeding |
Farm «NUR» |
2 |
6В08201 Technology of animal nutrition and feeding |
LLP «Scientific agrarian center», c. Semey |
3 |
6B08301 Forest resources and forestry |
Semey structural branch of the Republican State Enterprise "Republican forest breeding and seed center" c.Semey, East Kazakhstan region |
4 |
6В09101 Veterinarymedicine |
Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management "Semey-Wet" of the veterinary medicine department of the East Kazakhstan region |
5 |
6В09102 Veterinary sanitary |
Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management "Semey-Wet" of the veterinary medicine department of the East Kazakhstan region |
Engineering - technologicalfaculty |
6 |
6В11301 Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport |
JSC «КRFT» «FT Semey branch», c. Semey |
7 |
6В07302 Строительство |
LLP "AsilZholGroup", c. Semey |
CP factory branch of the LLP «Asia firms» c. Semey |
8 |
6В07301 Геодезия и картография |
LLP PSI «Semstroyproect», c. Semey |
LLP «Architecture F» , c. Semey |
9 |
6В07202 Технология продовольственных продуктов |
Diary factory «Аisha», c. Semey |
10 |
6В07201 Технология перерабатывающих производств |
LLP «SemNAN», c. Semey |
11 |
6В07203 Технология и конструирование изделий легкой промышленности |
IE «MusabalinaG.К.», c. Semey |
12 |
6В05102 Биотехнология |
Diary factory«Aisha», c. Semey |
13 |
6B07103 Теплоэнергетика |
SME «Teplocommunenergo», c. Semey |
14 |
6В07106 Машиностроение |
JSC «Semey engineering», c. Semey |
Philology faculty |
15 |
6В01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages |
Multidisciplinary gymnasium which trains in three languages of the " EducationDepartment ofSemey city" |
Faculty of Human sciences and economics |
16 |
6В02101 Design |
LLT «Semey-Korkem», c. Semey |
17 |
6В01402 Music education |
State philharmonia named after A. Kashaubaev" of the East Kazakhstan Department of Culture, Semey | ||
18 |
6В04201 Law |
Semey city court, c. Semey |
19 |
6В04104 Accounting and auditing |
LLP «Vetzoocentre», c. Semey |
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- Dual training
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- Approved forms of diplomas of Shakarim University its own sample with a description