AP19175164 "Features and fate of Kazakh settlers in Mongolia during the implementation of the Soviet forced collectivization of the 1920-1930s"

Supervisor: Tokishkadirov Botabek Beibitbekovich, - Project Manager ORCID ID 0000-0001-7402-1590


It is known that under the pressure of the Soviet policy that existed on the Kazakh land in the 1920s and 1930s, the Kazakh rich and peasants were forced to go abroad. The largest flow of Kazakhs in those days flocked to neighboring states. Kazakh citizens also emigrated to China, Mongolia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey. Starting from the process of their resettlement, scientific works were written about their location, the political situation of the inhabited country at that time, views on the settlers, the social and political fate of the Kazakhs abroad. During the years of independence, the Kazakh diaspora abroad has paid attention to the conditions of their return to the country. But the number of Kazakhs abroad has not decreased. Study of a part of the Kazakh diaspora in Mongolia. Although domestic and foreign researchers have touched upon some topics about the Kazakhs in Mongolia, many of them are devoted to the history of the Kazakhs, who remained on the left for historical reasons not in the twentieth century. It is also known that today there is a high risk of assimilation of Kazakhs abroad. For example, in some countries there are only the names of Kazakhs who visited them in the 1800s. Despite the fact that he is Kazakh, many people forgot about traditions, about what kind they came from, about the language. This trend is most noticeable among Kazakhs in Afghanistan, Turkey, and Europe. Kazakhs in China also have such a danger. And how is the process of assimilation of Kazakhs in Mongolia going? At what level are the current social and political conditions? The question of interreligious and ethno-confessional relations should be re-written from the point of view of today. In addition, in order to create a complete picture of the resettlement processes, it is very important to collect data related to this event directly from the mouths of the exiles and the souls themselves who witnessed those tragedies, since their ranks are becoming rarer from year to year. The study of the historical features and fate of Kazakhs who emigrated to Mongolia under the influence of Soviet pressure policy. Including a generalization of the manifestations of the assimilation process from the first year to the present in the form of an anthropological chronicle.


Formation and study of the Kazakh diaspora and analysis of the formation of the Kazakh diaspora in Mongolia. Analysis of the political, socio-economic situation, economy and culture of the Kazakh diaspora in Mongolia, living outside the ethnic homeland, from a historical point of view.


- 1 (one) monograph with the share of a postdoctoral student who has been reviewed and submitted for publication by the holders of at least two academic titles of professor and/or a PhD degree of at least 6 bp;
- at least 5 (five) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications, recommended CCSON
- to introduce into scientific circulation the data found in domestic archives;
- participation in national and international conferences, seminars and round tables on the project research topic;
- development of a documentary based on oral memoirs of Kazakh families who moved to Mongolia;
- organization of a scientific seminar on the topic of the project on the basis of the university.



Study Team Members
  • Fullname: Токишкадиров Ботабек Бейбітбекұлы

    Scopus Id: ---

    Researcher Id: ---

    ORCID: 0000-0001-7402-1590


  • Fullname: Байсарина Кымбат Кабидолдина

    Scopus Id: 57219892986

    Researcher Id: GYA-1951-2022

    ORCID: 0000-0002-5911-6716
