BR24992940 «Creation highly productive sheep population in north-eastern region Kazakhstan based on development effective selection techniques and introduction resource-saving technologies»

Supervisor: Professor Burambayeva Nadezhda, сandidate of Agricultural Sciences


The idea of scientific-technical program is to make rational use genetic potential domestic sheep breeding by crossing fat-tailed sheep with coarse wool and semi-coarse wool with rams of Etti merino, Kazakh meat-wool and Suffolk breeds to create a new meat-wool type with good meat qualities, precocity and adaptability to local conditions in 10 farms Abai, Akmola, East Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and North Kazakhstan regions, identification adaptive breeding markers and development resource-saving production technology with maximum use pasture lands. Today, determining the optimal options for crossing meat-fat sheep breeds with meat-wool rams-producers of domestic selection when creating the eastern type and developing an industrial crossing scheme for the production of young lamb is relevant.


To create inbred type meat-wool sheep with good meat qualities, speed maturity and adaptability to local conditions, as well as to give scientific substantiation markers adaptive selection sheep, to develop resource-saving technology sheep breeding production with maximum use any pastures.


  • Meat indices of sheep of all breeds bred in the territory of north-eastern Kazakhstan have been studied.
  • The most effective variants of industrial crossing of local sheep sows with rams-producers of meat-wool breeds were developed.
  • Outstanding producers with high live weight, as well as slaughter indicators and meat qualities, optimally combined with wool productivity were revealed.
  • The evaluation of animals on their own productivity, constitutional and exterior features is made, the selection of the best individuals in the breeding group is carried out.
  • The actual state of sheep breeding was studied and ways of increasing sheep productivity were developed.
  • Recommendations on cultivation of a new type of sheep and their further crossing are developed.
The final result of the conducted research works is the creation of highly productive herds of meat-wool sheep at all-year-round pasture keeping and the methods of adaptive selection of local Kazakh curd sheep in specific conditions of the north-east of Kazakhstan have been tested. During the period of realization young specialists, including 2 PhD doctoral students and 5 master students were involved in the scientific and technical program. According to the results of the program published:

  1. at least 9 (nine) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications on the scientific direction of the program, included in the 1 (first), 2 (second) and (or) 3 (third) quartile on impact factor in the database Web of Science and (or) having percentile on CiteScore in the database Scopus not less than 50 (fifty);
  2. at least 10 (ten) articles in the journals recommended by CQASHE;
  3. at least 1 (one) monograph or training manual in foreign and (or) Kazakhstani publishing houses recommended by the Scientific Council and (or) Scientific and Technical Council of the applicant's organization;
  4. at least 2 (two) patents in foreign patent offices (European, American, Japanese) or at least 2 (two) foreign or international patents included in the Derwent Innovations Index database (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics) or at least 5 (five) intellectual property objects (patent; for applications in the field of information technologies - copyright certificate) registered in National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To date, the determination of the optimal options for crossing sheep of meat-and-tallow breeds with meat-and-wool sheep producers of domestic breeding when creating an oriental type and the development of an industrial crossing scheme for the production of young mutton is relevant.

