BR24992870 "Ensuring sustainable development of Kazakhstan's machine-building industry on the basis of development, scientific validation, and implementation of industrial surface engineering technologies"
Supervisor: Satbayeva Zarina, PhD
Ensuring sustainable development of the mechanical engineering industry of Kazakhstan requires the introduction of modern technologies, including engineering approaches to improving the surface properties of parts. Surface engineering can significantly increase wear resistance, corrosion resistance and durability of parts, which is a key factor for the competitiveness of products in the domestic and global markets. The use of advanced methods, such as plasma and powder processing technologies, helps reduce the cost of materials, energy resources and equipment operation. These solutions not only stimulate innovation in mechanical engineering, but also reduce the environmental impact, strengthening Kazakhstan's position as a technologically advanced and environmentally oriented country.
Ensuring sustainable development of the Kazakhstan's machine-building industry on the basis of development, scientific substantiation and implementation of industrial technologies of surface engineering.
The following outcomes should result from the program:
1. Development of progressive plasma technologies of surface treatment of steels and alloys:
1.1 air-plasma method of obtaining heat-protective coatings on the basis of Zr-Y-O for heat-loaded elements of rocket-space equipment is developed;
1.2 reactive-plasma technology of spraying wear-resistant nitride coatings is developed;
1.3 an electrochemical method of cleaning the internal surfaces of the artillery gun barrel from fouling has been developed;
1.4 regularities and physical mechanisms of hardening of low-alloy steels at electrolyte-plasma surface hardening are investigated;
1.5 technological regimes and methods of chemical-thermal treatment of threaded pair “ Bolt and nut” are developed, allowing to increase its wear resistance and strength;
1.6 technological regimes of electrolyte-plasma nitrocementation of structural steels allowing to increase their mechanical and tribological characteristics are developed;
1.7 the method of micro-arc oxidation of aluminum alloy parts for increasing their tribological properties is developed;
1.8 technological regimes of ion-plasma nitriding have been developed, allowing to increase operational life and reliability of parts of shut-off and regulating valves;
1.9 ion-plasma technologies of formation of wear-resistant and superhard nanocomposite coatings on substrates from high-speed steels have been developed;
1.10 the scientific laboratory “Plasma technologies of suface treatment of materials” is created.
2. Development of innovative technologies for obtaining powder coatings with high mechanical, corrosion and tribological characteristics:
2.1 technology of high-velocity oxygen-fuel spraying of metal-ceramic coatings for hardening and restoration of military equipment parts has been developed;
2.2 technological regimes of Cr3C2-NiCr coatings deposition by the method of high-velocity oxygen-fuel spraying providing high corrosion resistance of boiler tubes are developed;
2.3 the technology of obtaining wear-resistant and high-strength electrical insulating coatings for application in friction units of thermonuclear reactors is developed;
2.4 the method of obtaining nanocomposite anticorrosion coatings for steel parts by cold gas-dynamic spraying is developed;
2.5 scientific bases for obtaining gradient detonation coatings with high adhesion strength and wear resistance have been developed;
2.6 scientific laboratory “Powder protective and hardening coatings” is created.
3. Development of technologies of hardening and restoration of worn-out machine parts:
3.1 technologies of hardening and restoration of parts by plastic deformation are improved;
3.2 experimental works aimed at increasing the efficiency of repair of parts of shut-off valves by means of plasma cladding are carried out;
3.3 experimental works aimed at increasing the efficiency of crankshaft repair by arc metallization have been carried out;
3.4 the method of electron-beam cladding for restoration of wear parts of crushing and milling equipment is developed;
3.5 the resource-saving method of hardening and restoration of transport-technological machines and complexes parts by arc metallization is developed;
3.6 stand and field tests of hardened and restored parts of machines and mechanisms are carried out;
3.7 a business plan for implementation of the developed technologies of surface treatment of steels and alloys is developed;
3.8 an engineering center for hardening and restoration of machine parts was established, which will provide engineering services to increase productivity and technical and economic efficiency of machine-building enterprises: pre-project works, development of technical documentation, production and complete delivery of equipment, optimization of operation processes, service maintenance and training of highly qualified personnel.
Final result:The program will result in the publication of:
1) at least 9 (nine) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the program, included in the 1st (first), 2nd (second) and (or) 3rd (third) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database not less than 50 (fifty).
2) at least 10 (ten) articles in the journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
3) at least 1 (one) monograph or training manual in foreign and (or) Kazakhstani publishing houses recommended by the Scientific Council and (or) Scientific and Technical Council of the applicant's organization;
4) at least 2 (two) patents in foreign patent offices (European, American, Japanese) or at least 2 (two) foreign or international patents included in Derwent Innovations Index database (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics) or at least 5 (five) objects of ntellectual property (patent; for applications in the field of information technologies - copyright certificate) registered in the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the program an engineering center for strengthening and restoration of machine building parts will be created.