Corruption Free University


In order to ensure compliance by employees of the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company "Shakarim University of Semey" with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption, a compliance service was established. The function of the compliance service is to monitor the implementation of the established norms of the current anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The head of the compliance service is Zhomartbek Aubakirov.

Objectives of the Compliance Service:

  • Ensuring compliance with the fundamental principles of anti-corruption in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption";
  • Developing measures to prevent corruption, enhance legal literacy, and promote zero tolerance for corruption among students and in the university’s activities and staff;
  • Analyzing the causes and conditions that contribute to corruption within the university;
  • Providing assistance in the form of consultations on issues related to the practical application of general principles of employees' professional conduct and organizing informational and educational work among students and university staff to improve ethical and legal culture and norms of integrity (organizing and reviewing statements and complaints, as well as other information regarding the involvement of university officials and employees in corrupt activities received by the compliance service).


Coordinator of the "Center for Analytics and Strategic Planning" of Shakarim University - Nazigul Gazizova.

The Authorized Person for Ethics and Combating Corruption Risks, within their competence, performs the following functions:

  • Provides advisory assistance to the teaching staff, employees, and students on compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of anti-corruption and the Code of Ethics;
  • Promotes the development of a relationship culture that aligns with generally accepted moral and ethical norms within the team;
  • Monitors compliance with ethical standards;
  • Conducts awareness-raising activities on compliance with the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Code of Ethics.

The Authorized Person for Ethics and Combating Corruption Risks is required to:

  • Participate in the review of cases related to non-compliance with the Rules;
  • Maintain records of appeals from employees, officials, business partners, and other interested parties regarding violations of the Rules;
  • Adhere to independence and impartiality when reviewing disputes related to non-compliance with the Rules;
  • Ensure the anonymity of an employee or official who reports a violation of the Rules, if they wish to remain anonymous.

Schedule for receiving teachers, staff, and students on issues of ethics and combating corruption risks:

  • Monday to Friday, daily from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM,
  • Break from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM.


Advisor to the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Shakarim University - Merey Shamenov.

Address: 071412, Semey city, Glinki Street 20a, Office 203b.

Shakarim University "Trust Hotline" Phone: 8-(7222)-31-31-82

Telegram Channel: Shákárіm ýnıversıtetі adaldyq alańy

Citizen reports about planned or committed corruption offenses are accepted 24/7 via the unified call center of the Anti-Corruption Service at 1424.



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