Education for sustainable development

Shakarim University is committed to sustainable development in all areas of its activities, including in the field of educational policy. In this sense, the University took the Roadmap for the Implementation of the Global Program of Action on Education for Sustainable Development as the basis for its progressive movement forward. Educational policy in the field of sustainable development is an element of the University Development Program as an institution of higher education, providing all possible assistance in the transformation of the regional economy towards sustainable and innovative development of the Abay region.

The key elements of this educational policy of Shakarim University are currently:

  1. Inclusion of universal modules on sustainable development in absolutely all major educational programs implemented at the university.

The approach is based on the mandatory competence of all educational programs of the university, upon completion of which the student must demonstrate that he adheres to the principles of preserving the natural environment and ensuring sustainable development of society, takes into account the norms and rules of life safety, knows potential hazards and risks and takes measures to prevent them, ready to apply protection methods in emergencies. This competency is implemented within the framework of several university-wide educational modules, such as Ecology, History, Economics and Management, which, in turn, include sections devoted to sustainable development.

  1. Implementation of individual educational programs with a focus on achieving certain goals or a set of sustainable development goals.

The university implements many educational programs, many of which have their global goal of achieving one or another sustainable development goal



Code and name of the OP

Link to Educational Program

Goal 01: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

6B04108 Economics and Management

Educational programs (

6B04106 Management / Business Administration

Educational programs (

6B04109 Accounting and Finance

Educational programs (

7M04115 Economics and Management

Educational programs (

7М04116 Accounting and Finance

Educational programs (

Goal 02: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

6В05102 Biotechnology

Educational programs (

7M05102 Biotechnology

Educational programs (

6В07202 Technology of Food Products

Educational programs (

7М07201 Technology of Food Products

Educational programs (

8D07201 Food Technology

Educational programs (

Goal 03: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


7М07203 Food Safety

Educational programs (

8D07202 Food Safety

Educational programs (

Goal 04: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Silver University courses:

Medical Nutrition. Basics of Dietetics


Chess Training

Healthy Lifestyle

Psychology of Relationships with Children and Grandchildren

Art Therapy

Social and Psychological Factors of Health

Vocal Ensemble and Choir

Basics of Musical Literacy

Drawing and Design

Musical Instrument Training

Choreography for Adults

Basics of IT Technologies

Breeding, Selection, Genetics of Domestic Animals




Education | Silver University (

Goal 06: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

6В07302 Construction

Educational programs (

6В07301 Geodesy and Cartography

Educational programs (

6В05201 Ecology

Educational programs (

Goal 07: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

6В07103 Thermal Power Engineering

Educational programs (

7М07101 Thermal Power Engineering

Educational programs (

Goal 08: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

All engineering and economic specialties


Faculty Of Engineering And Technology (

Faculty of Humanities and Economics (

Goal 09: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


6В06103 Information Systems

Educational programs (

6В07103 Thermal Power Engineering

Educational programs (

7М07101 Thermal Power Engineering

Educational programs (

6В06104 Computer Technology and Software

Educational programs (

6В06105 Computer Technology and Software/Smart Computing

Educational programs (

6D06106 SMART Systems and Programming

Educational programs (

6В07104 Automation and Control

Educational programs (

7M07102 - Automation and Control

Educational programs (

8D07102 - Automation and Control

Educational programs (

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

6В07302 Construction

Educational programs (

6В07301 Geodesy and cartography

Educational programs (

6B11201 Life Safety and Environmental Protection

Educational programs (

6В05201 Ecology

Educational programs (

Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

6В07202 Technology of Food Products

Educational programs (

7М07201 Technology of Food Products

Educational programs (

8D07201 Food Technology

Educational programs (

7М07203 Food Safety

Educational programs (

8D07202 Food Safety

Educational programs (

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

6В05201 Ecology

Educational programs (

6В11201 Life Safety and Environmental Protection

Educational programs (

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

6В05201 Ecology

Educational programs (

6В07302 Construction

Educational programs (

6В07301 Geodesy and Сartography

Educational programs (

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

6B04108 Economics and Management

Educational programs (

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

6B04108 Economics and Management

Educational programs (