Student scientific club «Forest Defenders»

The purpose of the work of the scientific circle is to form students' interest and need for scientific independence, internal organization, increase the level of theoretical and practical knowledge, intensify the research work of students, develop the skills of managing innovative processes and participating in the work of the scientific circle, the formation of skills in project activities in solving practical tasks and problems, selecting promising young people to form a reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel within the framework of the system for preparing a scientific shift.

- creation of conditions for the formation of creative scientific activity;
- improving the quality of professional training of students;
- assistance to students in independent scientific search and organization of their scientific work;
- ensuring the active participation of students in scientific work at the best international, republican conferences, competitions, seminars, olympiads, forums, round tables and other scientific events;
- conducting scientific research and preparing publications based on their results;
- formation of skills for searching and analyzing normative-reference, scientific literature on topical issues of forestry and forest management;
- acquaintance with modern technologies of reforestation and reforestation;
- mastery of competencies in the field of digital technologies, presentation of scientific student work;
- formation of students' interest in teaching methods and methods for solving scientific problems in the field of forestry;
- exchange of experience in organizing and conducting scientific work among members of the scientific circle;
- identifying the most gifted and talented students, using their creative and intellectual potential to solve urgent problems of improving the efficiency of the educational process and nominating candidates for degrees at various levels.

  • The head of the organization:Baygazakova Zhadyra Muratkhanovna - master of agricultural sciences
  • Телефон:+7(775)532-20-56