AP22686708 "Scientific and practical basis for developing technology and assessing the food safety of dairy products with encapsulated biologically active additives"

Supervisor: Muratbayev Alibek Manarbekovich, PhD.


It is currently gaining special relevance among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan consumption of natural dairy products. The modern stage of development of the dairy industry in Kazakhstan, despite the difficult situation in the economy and changes in the international environment, is characterized by the development of new approaches that can ensure qualitative growth in the agro-industrial production industry. The high quality and safety of food products is currently one of the essential prerequisites for the preservation of food independence of Kazakhstan and the most important task of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition.

Correction of the human diet in accordance with scientifically based requirements of the theory of balanced, adequate nutrition and taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body is a priority direction in solving the problem of providing high-quality food products for different age groups of the population. At the same time, in modern conditions of life, there are unfavorable factors that increase the risk of human disease, considerable attention is paid to the creation of products of targeted action, which have the ability to stimulate the human immune system .

Biologically active additives are well suited for these purposes. For increasing the effectiveness of biologically active additives, encapsulated biologically active additives are added to the dairy product.


Assessment of food safety and development of technology for dairy products with biologically active additives of plant origin


1) according to the results of the study, it is planned to: - at least 2 (two) articles in the first three quartiles of the impact factor in the Web of Science database or in journals with at least 50 percentiles of CiteScore in the Scopus database;
2) publication of monographs, books and (or) chapters in books of foreign and (or) Kazakhstani publishing houses: according to the results of the research, it is planned to publish a monograph;
3) Obtaining patents from a foreign (European, American, Japanese) patent office, Kazakh or Eurasian Patent Office:
4) according to the results of the study, an application for a utility model of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be issued;
5) development of scientific and technical, design documentation: regulatory and technical documentation will be developed.
6) dissemination of the results of the work to potential users, the community of scientists and the general public: the system and technology for ensuring food safety will be implemented in production, implemented through the development and approval of regulatory technical documentation, publication of publications in journals, monographs and obtaining patents;

7) other measurable results according to the specifics of the project


1) the scope and target consumers of each of the expected results: target consumers - dairy processing enterprises, business entities, retail chains, the scientific community in the field of technology, food, research institutes, higher educational institutions.
2) the impact of the expected results on the development of the main scientific directions and related branches of science and technology: the obtained results of research work are aimed at achieving one of the main directions specified in the national project for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2025, namely, to achieve the share of "processed products in the total volume of exports of agricultural products" With its further commercialization, the results of the project are also considered as a mechanism for the implementation of the state program for the development of healthcare in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020 – 2025.
3) the applicability and (or) the possibility of commercialization of the scientific results obtained; the results of this scientific project are being introduced into production and have a high degree of commercialization. The developed regulatory document will be in demand by food industry enterprises. The implementation of the developed technology will allow enterprises to obtain high-quality and safe functional products.
4) social, economic, environmental, scientific and technical, multiplicative and (or) other impact of the project results with justification: the results of the study acquire theoretical and practical significance for mass consumption and deterministic groups of the population for the development of science and new technologies of functional food products

5) Other direct and indirect results of the project, indicating qualitative and quantitative characteristics: the results of the work will be carried out through publications that are planned to be distributed to potential users, the community of scientists and the general public, as well as with the involvement of foreign scientists and scientific trips.