AP22686900 "The effective methods of treatment and prevention of strongylatous-trichocephalous-eimeric invasion of sheep"

Supervisor: Akhmetzhanova Aizhan Yerkingazievna, Acting Associate Professor, PhD


Abay region is considered to be the largest sheep breeding region in Kazakhstan. A huge area of pastures and an abundance of forage resources allow to develop sheep farming greatly in the region. However, the increase in the number of sheep, the quality of products obtained from them, as well as the economy of the region as a whole are affected by frequent invasive diseases of sheep. The lack of intensive development of animal husbandry is also influenced by the ineffectiveness of the fight against invasive animal diseases. As a fact several pathogens live in the animal's body at the same time, including helminths and protozoan parasites. They affect about 80% of sheep. Compared with ascarids found in the nervous system, muscles and lungs of sheep, the number of roundworms that are found in the digestive organs of animals is greater and their harm is enormous.


To study the epizootology of strongylato-trichocephalous-eimeriosis infestation of sheep in sheep farms located in the radiation-hazardous territories of the former Semipalatinsk test site in the Abay oblast and to search for innovative methods of their treatment and prevention, to determine the quality of meat of sheep affected by mixed invasion.


The determination of the radiation background of sheep farms located in the radiation-hazardous territories of the former Semipalatinsk test site in the Abay region, the determination of the type and dynamics of the spread of strongylatosis-trichocephalosis-eimeriosis infestation of sheep in sheep farms, and creation of a geographic information system. Veterinary and sanitary studies of the quality of meat of sheep infected with strongylate trichocephalosis-eimeriosis invasion were carried out, as a result of which several new anthelmintic and anti-eimeriosis compositions were developed against associative invasion of sheep. In order to treat and prevent strongylat-trichocephalous-eimeriosis infestation in sheep, based on the results of the study, a scientific proposal was made to the sheep farm. Based on the results obtained within the framework of this project, at least 2 (two) articles will be published in journals included in the first three quartiles of the impact factor in the Web of Science database or in journals with a percentile of at least 50 according to CiteScore in the Scopus database .


The determination of the radiation background of sheep farms located in the radiation-hazardous territories of the former Semipalatinsk test site in the Abay region, the determination of the type and dynamics of the spread of strongylatosis-trichocephalosis-eimeriosis infestation of sheep in sheep farms, and creation of a geographic information system.