Dinara Mamyrbayeva

Head of Department


071400, Republic of Kazakhstan, Abay Region, Semey, Glinki St., 20A
Room: 303

Accounting department

Main activities:
  • planning, accounting, control, and analysis of the university's economic activities;
  • planning the university's income and expenses for the corresponding academic year;
  • preparing the staffing schedule for administrative and managerial personnel, as well as for auxiliary and service personnel of the university;
  • preparing the tariff list for the faculty for the corresponding academic year;
  • calculating and paying scholarships to students, master's students, and doctoral students according to their academic performance;
  • ensuring the correct and efficient use of labor and financial resources allocated from the state budget as well as from the university's extrabudgetary funds;
  • accounting for the timely receipt of payments for educational services from students and master's students studying on a fee basis;
  • ensuring control over the availability and movement of property, and the use of material, labor, and financial resources in accordance with approved standards, norms, and estimates;
  • maintaining tax and statistical accounting in accordance with regulatory documents and submitting financial reports to the relevant higher authorities within the established deadlines.

  • Ботабаева Нургуль Сериккановна
    Leading payroll accountant

  • Нурпеисова Дамира Гатмагаметовна
    Payroll accountant

  • Алтаева Мейрамгуль Кабидоллаевна
    Leading accountant of material group

  • Желдибаева Дана Сембаевна
    Accountant of material group

  • Бекбатырова Жазира Карпыковна
    Leading accountant on scholarship

  • Кадырсизова Гульмира Асейгазыевна
    Accountant by training

  • Кажыбаева Назым Кажыбаевна
    Leading accountant

  • Жатакова Маншүк Алибековна
    Leading accountant

  • Шалдыбаева Альбина Тлеуберлеевна
    Bank transfer accountant