identification of promising areas of personnel training in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and trends in the development of science and education;
analysis of the NPA, methodological recommendations in the field of higher and postgraduate education, development of internal regulatory documents regulating the educational process;
organizational support of the activities of the Academic Council and Academic Committees;
coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the University on issues of design and methodological support of the OP;
studying the experience of organizing the educational process and methodological support of foreign and domestic universities and determining recommendations for improving the quality of education at the university;
defining the principles and directions of methodological support for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs;
methodological support of the process of development and implementation of educational programs;
methodological support of the process of development by the teaching staff (hereinafter referred to as teaching staff) of educational and methodological materials used in the educational process;
monitoring the relevance of the content of educational material, the use of innovative teaching methods and the control of students' knowledge;
identification of promising areas for improving educational and methodological processes.