Zhanna Abdraimova

Head of Department


071400, Republic of Kazakhstan, Abay Region, Semey, Glinki St., 20A
Room: 410

Department of educational process organization

Main activities:
  • planning, organization and coordination of the educational process at all levels of training;
  • organization and control over the development of planned documentation: work curricula, schedule of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the State Mandatory Standard of Higher and Postgraduate Education and methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • provision of the classroom fund in the Platonus database;
  • preparation and approval calculation of teaching hours and planning of the hourly fund of the department on the portal sdo.semgu.kz;
  • recruitment and approval of the staffing of the teaching staff in the context of departments for the academic year;
  • support of departments in drawing up a public procurement plan for equipping specialized classrooms and laboratories, monitoring the effective use of specialized classrooms and classrooms in the educational process;
  • scheduling of training sessions; monitoring the compliance of the teaching staff with the schedule of classes, monitoring the workload and use of the classroom fund; managing and monitoring the implementation of the academic load by educational units, full-time teachers, part-time workers and hourly workers;
  • monitoring and accounting for the rational distribution of the teaching load among teachers, according to internal regulatory documents;
  • coordination of the composition and terms of work of the final attestation commission, the state exam "History of Kazakhstan".

  • Sarsekhanova Alia
    Main expert

    Leading Specialist

  • Аманжолова
    Main expert

    Leading Specialist