Rakhymberdiyeva Ainur

Director of the Department


071400, Republic of Kazakhstan, Abay Region, Semey, Glinki St., 20A
Room: 307

Personnel Development Support Department

Main activities:
  • participation in the development of personnel policy and personnel strategy of the University;
  • participation in the formation of the staffing table of the university and tariffication of the teaching staff;
  • determining the current need for personnel together with the heads of structural units;
  • participation in the development of a set of measures to increase the motivation of employees;
  • organization of timely registration of employment, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with the legislation and local normative acts;
  • preparation of draft orders on the personnel of employees and their registration;
  • accounting of the personnel of the university staff, formation and maintenance of automated databases installed at the university on the quantitative and qualitative composition of university employees, assistance to the heads of structural units in the search selection and placement of personnel on the basis of established direct links with the Employment Center, placement of advertisements in the media about available vacancies;
  • control over the execution by the heads of units of legislative acts and resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of the Rector on personnel policy and work with personnel;
  • issuance of certificates of actual and past employment of employees;
  • maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of labor books;
  • management of employees’ personnel files;
  • preparation of established statistical reports;
  • accounting of use of vacations by university employees, drawing up a consolidated vacation schedule, preparing draft orders for granting vacations, monitoring the implementation of the vacation schedule;
  • monitoring compliance with labor discipline and internal labor regulations;
  • consideration of letters, requests, complaints and applications related to personnel issues and preparation of responses to written requests;
  • calculation of the length of service of employees, registration of sick-leave certificates;
  • performing actions to verify the accuracy of copies of documents, extracts from documents available in the HR and document management department, the authenticity of the signature of employees;
  • monitoring compliance with the university's professional development plan and submission of documents on their passage;
  • work on the protection of confidential information received by employees of the HR and document management department when performing tasks and functions of the department, within their competence;
  • preparation of materials for the presentation of personnel for promotions and awards. Interaction with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional and city akimats on awarding issues;
  • preparation for storage, destruction and transfer to the University archive of personnel documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of the HR and document management department;
  • preparation of orders, instructions, regulations and other local regulations on behalf of the Chairman of the Board - Rector;
  • execution of incoming documents received by the university from higher organizations (letters of instruction, orders, informational letters, certificates, etc.);
  • maintaining QMS documentation;
  • documentation support of the University's activities;
  • timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to its destination;
  • control over the deadlines for the execution of documents and their correct execution;
  • registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural divisions of documents of current office work, formation of cases and delivering to the storage;
  • methodical management of the organizations of office work in the units of the organization, control over the correct formation, preservation and timely filing of cases in the archive;
  • preparation and presentation to the management of the organization of information and analytical materials on the state and prospects of development of documentation support of the university and the high level of executive discipline;
  • participation within its competence in the preparation and execution of management decisions of the university management;
  • implementation of other functions within its competence in accordance with goals and objectives of the university.

  • Shaikenova Saule Makulbekovna
    Chief Specialist

  • Tokusheva Gulzhanat Tuleuovna
    Chief Specialist

  • Мырзагужинова Самал Келдигазыевна
    Chief Specialist

  • Нуртаева Зарина Канатовна

  • Sakhmetzhanova Gulshat
    Main Specialist

  • Kayrashova Tansyk
    Main Specialist

  • Ospanova Zhania