Satiyeva Sholpan

Head of the Psychological Service Center


071412, RK, Semey, Glinka str., 20A
Room: 6th floor 609

Psychological Support Service

Main activities:

The psychological service helps students to form a positive lifestyle, develop creative abilities, create positive motivation for learning, as well as make psychological adjustments to disorders of personal and social development and prevent the state of psychological health.

Goals and objectives of the psychological service

Protecting the psychological health of students, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization of education and providing psychological support to participants in the educational process of the University;

Main tasks:

  • Improving the psychological culture of students;
  • Providing psychological assistance in social adaptation of first-year students;
  • Identification of the main problems of participants in the educational process; demonstration and identification of ways and means of their solution;
  • Assistance in the personal, intellectual and professional formation of students in the educational process at the University;
  • Providing psychological assistance to participants in the educational process in extreme and critical situations;
  • The creation of Social, Psychological, pedagogical and professional conditions for ensuring the creative development of the personality of students, the formation of their personal and professional potential, is the basis for self-development and self-realization. psychological assistance in the formation of students ' ability to self-determination and self-development



Priority areas of activity of the psychological service:

practical direction: organization and implementation of socio-psychodiagnostic, developmental, consulting and educational work in accordance with the goals and objectives;


The main types of psychological activity:


Socio-psychological enlightenment-the formation of students ' positive attitudes towards socio-psychological assistance, expanding their horizons in the field of psychological education.

Socio-psychological prevention is a special type of activity aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing the mental health of students at all stages of Student Life.

Social and psychological counseling (individual, group, Family).

Socio-psychological correction-development of proposals, social and psychological-correctional or developmental programs, work with students, implementation of this program, control over its implementation.

Work plan

Work plan 2023-24